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Art Classes for all Budgets

Art shouldn't be an exclusive privilege for the upper economic classes.  I try to price my classes fairly for the quality of materials, environment, and expertise.  But I know that can still be difficult for some families.  I started this business as a single mom, it has provided a roof over our heads, food on our table, gas in our car, presents under the Christmas tree, and much much more.  I am so grateful for the community that has made this all possible, and for the patrons who support my family through their love of the arts. I want to always give back to that community in any way I can.


I believe in the ancient law of the tithe, that we need to give back a portion of what we receive and stay grateful for what we have, so I have 10 FREE seats throughout the week that are reserved for those fellow single moms, immigrant families, and those of you who just can't seem to be able to afford after school activities for your kids. I urge you to support a small business if you can, but for those of you who can't, check out the options below to see how I can help make art classes possible for your child.

Free Art Classes

I have 10 seats reserved for Free art classes.  I urge families to be honest with themselves and not take a free seat from someone else who really needs it... But that person who really needs it might be you, so don't feel bad about asking for free art classes either!  I want all of those 10 seats to be filled!


One thing I really love about being a small local business is the feeling of closeness I have with the community, I couldn't do this without your help! My own children support me by being good sports when I work late hours or weekends, my dad builds my tables, shelves, etc.. There are many of you with talents and skills that can also really help make things run smoother!  I am always happy to trade services for a partial tuition or full tuition!


Here are a list of services I can think of that would support me and my business, but please share with me if you have a skill you think would be helpful that is not on this list!


  • Website Design

  • Tax preparation

  • Accounting

  • Tutor my kids

  • Homemade bread

  • Homemade dinner (I work late and don't have time to cook!)

  • Homemade soap

  • Honey from your bee hives

  • Fresh Produce from a garden

  • Fresh flowers (if I could I would fill my home with vases of flowers!  I also use them for dyeing and pressing)

  • Modeling

  • Salon services (hair or nails)

  • Change the oil in my car

  • Massage/energy work/yoga instruction

  • Do you sell/make something you can gift to me on a regular basis like essential oils? Vitamins? Herbs?

  • Are you a taxidermist? 

  • Supply of nature treasures, I like using things like dear sheds, dead bugs (moths, beetles, butterflies, etc), peacock feathers, crystals, etc., in art

  • Dye stuff, I need 25 avocado pits to make one batch of pink dye, I need an entire grocery bag stuffed with onion skins to make a small batch of soft yellowy tans; regularly collect, clean and dry these and other natural dye plants and I'll love you forever! 

  • Raw goat/cow milk or homemade cheese

  • Do you raise meat animals like chickens, rabbits, pigs, goats, etc, I'd love local organic meat, or animal skins

  • Homemade Kefir or Kombucha

  • Herbal tinctures, medicines, teas, salves

  • Doula? maybe I'll have another baby 😂

  • Wool from farm animals,

  • Catering for my art show events (usually 200-300+ people!)

  • Fill the candy jar.  I have a candy jar for the students in the studio, if you want to contribute a big bag of nut/dairy free individually wrapped candy to the studio each month that would be awesome!

  • Bring me a healthy(ish) snack! I'm always hungry when I'm at work! So many times I get to that last class of the day and think "why don't I ever remember to bring a snack?", If someone could swing by the grocery store, bakery, or the natural market place on their way to art class and get me a tea , a muffin, or a sandwich I'd be so grateful!

  • Do you sew? Can you alter clothing? 

  • Make aprons for the studio

  • Knit me a hat!  Sew me a quilt!  Make me a tablecloth! 


 Let's connect.


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